Little Low, Little high !!!

Hey Lady,

I am with you, We are together,
What else do you need?

We can face these little low and highs,
if you can make one heap and risk one turn of pitch.

We will lose together,
and start again at your new beginnings but,
promise me that you will never think about your loss.

So just hold on when there is nothing good going on.

Little High, Little Low,
stay calm until you are blown.

You need not prove anyone anything,
there is something that happens when you choose to be yourself.

Never lose the person that you have worked so hard to discover and grow.
It feels incredible to just stay with you. Do you feel the same?

I understand you,
admire your true self,
appreciate that you just need me,
but I am the little bitch, 
Excuse me I am not good at expressing myself.

Let me tell you that the hope and strength that keeps you moving is my love,
the smile and happiness you get is my love,
the sense of fulfillment you are feeling right now is my love,
every chance you get is my love,
I am everywhere in every form with you.

Don't just search or think about me,
come let's dance in the tune of my favourite song - 'Little High, Little Low'

Don't you dare feel lonely,
there are thoughts of calmness within you.
Just breathe in and listen to it.

I might not connect with you using strong wifi,
but you can feel me through the fresh air around you.
Oops hard to find fresh air these days right?

Did you hear me? Nah, you are too busy searching me when I am just here with you. Isn't it?

Oh my Little Girl,

Thank You for singing my favourite song and I can see your little moves...
Sing with me,
"Little High, Little Low,
Sometimes enjoyment and sometimes sorrow,
but still be grateful that you have tomorrow"

Hello? Can you hear me?

Ah, I hear you...
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on

Little High, Little Low, All the way I was blown. Not enjoyment and not sorrow, but still I have tomorrow.

It was grassy and mysterious, I doubted if I can ever come back, I shall be telling this with pride that I chose the path less travelled by, and that makes all the difference.

Little High, Little Low, Oh dear life, what are you upto now?

You challenge me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but then teach me to nurture strength of spirit to shield myself in sudden misfortune.

Little high, little low, I don’t have time to stand and stare alone.

Why the world is just eager for future and not the present, it yearns for more power and not the laughter.

Oh dear life, trust me, I just compared you with the mountains I climbed on.

Ah, pause for you.

A stream of love, heart and light.

Little high, little low.

Oh dear life, please be kind.

I love you as much as I love being around the mountains but these hills echo and your voice is low.

From this green earth, of all mighty world, the language of the sense, and through the anchor of my purest thoughts I finally heard you.

I guess?

Did I hear you right?

Little low, little high, Is this always the song of my life?